
So, while I’m sharing what God is doing in my life, I have to give credit to the other people whom God is using to share words that speak to me as a wife, mom, sister, or friend. Whether they are writers, bloggers, or friends I’d like to give them a little space to share this same wisdom with you.

Motherhood is a Calling (And Where Your Children Rank) by Rache Jankovic I read this awhile ago during a “dark” day, when it seemed like my world was flipped on it’s axis and mommyhood was so overwhelming. This article changed my perspective and I’m thankful that God used it to speak to my soul at I point when I wasn’t sure that I was cut out for the job.

Motherhood 101: The First Year by Kate Elizabeth Connor I read this recently. Most of these things I have also found to be true. I wish I could’ve read thi s 4 1/2 years ago when my first year as a mom was taking place. If you have a chance to read any of Kate Connor’s other blog posts: Do it! She is a phenomenal author/writer.

Good Things Moms Do by Kelly at the Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking. I love this article. I can so relate. I have both been involved in mommy wars and been the recipient of judgement. As she points out, there are all different types of ways to be a thriving successful mom and each of us have to be okay with doing it our own way and not push it on someone else.

Right Mom Left Mom By Kristin at Rage Against the Minivan. This is a new series on her blog that’s focused on having a civil political discussion. New posts are weekly. Rage against the Minivan is one of my favorite blogs. Kristin talks about various  subject matters like being a mom, adopting, vacations, and also does some great guest posts. Check out her “What I Want you to Know” series where her readers share from their experiences! Fabulous Stuff!

What I am and What I’m Not by Ann at Learning to Hope. Ann, is one of my dear friends. I went to college with her and her husband, and my heart is burdened constantly by the need to pray for them on their journey to become parents. Ann, a wonderful writer who used to edit my college papers is now blogging about her journey through infertility and how God is using her heart (and gift).

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